César Sauvage

César Sauvage

Oceanographic Researcher

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Dr. César Sauvage is an Oceanographer Researcher at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, working with Dr. Hyodae Seo. My research focuses on advancing our understanding of air-sea interactions and exploring how the ocean influences both regional weather and climate. To address these complex issues, I utilize coupled Earth system models, such as the SCOAR Regional Coupled Mode, which simulate interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and surface waves. In addition to numerical simulations, I extensively analyze observational datasets of the marine boundary layer to evaluate current modeling capabilities and identify areas for improvement. Improving the representation of air-sea interactions in these models is crucial, not only for enhancing weather forecasts but also for optimizing offshore wind energy assessments.

  • Air-Sea Interaction
  • Ocean Surface Waves
  • Air-Sea Flux Parameterization
  • Regional Coupled Modeling
  • Offshore Wind Energy
  • PhD in Oceanography, 2019

    CNRM, Toulouse, France

  • BS in Hydrology, 2015

    Polytech’Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France