Scripps Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Regional (SCOAR) Model

The Scripps Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Regional (SCOAR) modeling system integrates WRF, ROMS, and WW3 using the COARE 3.5 bulk flux algorithm, implemented within the WRF surface-layer module. These open-source models can be accessed through their respective repositories:


SCOAR Model Coupler

The SCOAR model coupler is a versatile and efficient tool for managing input-output files, offering the following features:

  • A 2-D online smoothing mechanism for interactive eddy filtering.
  • Multiple options for atmosphere-wave and wave-ocean coupling strategies.
  • Revised versions of the latest COARE wave-based bulk flux algorithms, designed to account for sea-state impacts on air-sea fluxes under different regimes.

The SCOAR source code is publicly available on GitHub: SCOAR Repository.


The SCOAR system has been extensively used to study the physics and impacts of air-sea-wave interactions in various regions. For more information, visit:

Hyodae Seo
Hyodae Seo
Associate Professor

Dr. Hyodae Seo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Oceanography and an Associate Director of the Uehiro Center for the Advancement of Oceanography (UC•AO). He is a physical oceanographer and climate scientist with a broad range of research and teaching interests in ocean and atmospheric processes and their coupled interactions relating to weather and climate. He combines high-resolution coupled modeling with theories of geophysical fluid dynamics and analyses of in situ and satellite observations to better understand the ocean-atmosphere coupled boundary layer processes, improve their representation in numerical models, and evaluate their influence on ocean, weather, and climate. Dr. Seo actively contributes to developing sustaining and sustainable ocean observing strategies and strives to engage the public around the issues related to ocean, extreme weather, climate, and ocean-based renewable energy research.